Friday, January 13, 2012

January 13, 2012

Something is wrong with this blog site. I have been trying to post for a few weeks now but I keep getting locked out. Hopefully this works.

After slacking off a little around the holidays, I'm back!! It feels so good to be back on track. My swimming has suffered a bit, but not enough to frustrate me.

I do have to say that I love my trainer. I can't get over how much of a workout it is. I have to wipe my bike down after each use because of all the dripping sweat. I have my trainer right next to my treadmill; I just hop right on after riding and get in a nice brick workout. So far I am doing okay with the seat. I am going to give myself until March. It it is still bugging me, I will check out new seats. I was tempted to put my mountain bike seat on my road bike, but just could not bring myself to do it. Not sure why, but it would feel like I was cheating.

Three things I am afraid to get but need is:

clipless pedals
areo bars

Okay, maybe I do not "need" these things but these would really help in pushing myself to the next level. Sometimes I ask myself whether I do want to take things up a notch. I am working on gettting that confidence level up.

I have only officially signed up for Iron Girl. Now that 70.3 is in June, I am not sure I would be ready. I think I am pushing that back to 2013. I still need to build up a strong base. I know I can do it, but it would be nice to have that extra 3 months of open water swim under my belt.

I will be updating my blog with a training plan shortly.