A little bit of background; when I am not taking care of my family or working out, I volunteer for a very special organization called Make A Wish. I am a "wish granter" which means I work directly with the kids in making their wishes come true.
My latest case is wrapping up right now. An 11 year old girl with congestive heart failure who wanted to go to Disney. I tried to make this trip extra special as this girl comes from a very low-income family.
We threw her a big going away party for her friends and family. This is when we announce the wish (children give us 3-4 wishes and then I determine what they will get). The "announcement party" was a surprise held at a local Appleebee's. When she walked into the restaurant, everyone stood up and clapped for her. She burst into tears and came and gave me a huge hug. There was not a dry eye is the house. See pic above (wish child and my wish partner).
As a wish granter you get to know your wish child very well. I have been visiting this girl for over 3 months; each time bringing her something small like a "Tiger Beat" magazine or some Judy Mooney books. I wanted her to feel extra special. She is one of 4 children and probably does not get the attention she deserves. I was even able to take her and her family on a shopping spree to Target for some new clothes.
As with all wishes, this one is almost complete. The family left yesterday for their dream vacation (limo ride, hotel suit,all meals plus spending cash to boot). This little girl feels like my daughter (Abbie is only one year younger). I am going to miss her big smiles and her Justin Beiber obsession. Even though it is kind of discouraged, I hope to get together with her from time to time. I understand that she is very ill and may not have many years to come. I am having a hard time accepting life's cruel fate.
Already working on my next case; a 16 year old boy with inoperable brain cancer. We need to work at advanced speed in this case. His big wish is to cook alone side the white house chef and then eat lunch with the Obama's. I have a lot of work to do!