Friday, May 6, 2011

May 6, 2011

Random thoughts while suffering through a spin class.

"I forgot to put on deodorant. Wonder if the dude next to me can smell me"
"I want to get a pair of cool bike shoes"
"I hope the spider that was lurking near the computer desk went away"
"I wish the class was only 45 minutes long"
"I should take Maisey to the park and let her run around for a while; better yet, I can run with her"
"Yikes, I am running out of water. Need to bring 2 bottles next time".
"Does this ever get easier?"
"Why do I seem to be the sweatiest one here?" "I think I overheat too quickly".
"Why do I keep glancing at the clock? I am just torturing myself".
"I really want a margarita tonight. Damn! To much sugar"
"What am I going to eat when I get home? So sick of eggs"

As you can see it is easier to let your mind wander off when you are not 100% focused at the task at hand. When I wasn't talking to myself, I was in the zone. It felt good. My tush is finally getting used to the small seat. My girly parts still bother me a little but not half as bad from when I started.

I just have to keep going; one day at a time.

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