Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 5


Today started off with at frigid soccer game (my husband and I coach 7 & 8 year olds). I had tears running down my face; that is how cold it was. However I did burn 245 calories according to my fancy new watch/chest band (Christmas gift that I am just getting around to using)

Came home from the game and went right to the workout. I was on the treadmill for 45 minutes. The big improvement was that I went from running 3 minutes straight to 6. Yea for me! I only went 2.66 miles. My plan of attack is to always run (mainly walk at this point) at least 3.1 miles and see how my time improves.

I decided today that I am going to participate in the IRON GIRL Triathlon. Yup, Iron Girl. How cool does that sound? It is one thing to tell people you ran a triathlon, but an "Iron Girl" sounds much more impressive. The only difference is that the bike leg went from 12 miles to 18.6. Piece of cake (ha ha). The race is in August so it gives me 2 additional months to train.

This exercises is getting addicting. I no longer want to chug down a glass of wine or two when the kids stress me out. My diet has to change though. I have been doing low carb for weight loss but triathlon training requires carbs.

Tomorrow is will be my attempt at a long bike ride. I am more scared of the bike leg than the swim or running. We will see how it goes.....

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