Okay, I know it has been over a week. The post race blues has lifted and now I am on the back to school August manic pace. It happens every year, where I cycle into mania in mid-August, early September. This started the year Abbie went into Kindergarten. Year year I say that I won't let it get me, but it always does.
With that said, I am still working out at least every other day. One enjoyable thing I have been doing is taking my beloved doggie out to state land and running with her. It is great exercises for both of us and the scenery is pretty. I am running more and biking less. Kevin and I are doing the Inner Harbor 5k run in two weeks so I guess I am focusing on that for now. I have started a running log so that I can keep track of my progress. I am up to a 5.3 pace down to a 4.2 pace for about 60 minutes.
I have great news~I now have a training partner for next year's Iron Girl! My good friend Holly is going to do it with me. To hold her to it, I took her picture and posted it. I met her 4 years ago when our boys when to pre-k together. She also works at the Y, so I get to see her there as well. Thanks Holly~I really think we are going to rock it!
I love Holly!! She is such a positive spirit. You guys will have a fantastic time training together!!