Happy Birthday to my big girl Abbie! I cannot believe that I have a 9 year old.
Today was....tough. I attempted my first long ride outside and I did not get far. Running outside is much more difficult than running on a treadmill; at least for me. I went about 2 miles and probably walked 90% of the way. It was really pathetic.
I am actually having some serious self doubt as to whether I can do a triathlon this summer. As my blog started, the goal was to do Iron Girl NEXT year. I might have bit off more than I could chew. The mini-sprint is 4 weeks from today. I just do not know at this point.
As my husband says, I just need to focus on the training and put the race out of my mind. I am going to see where I am physically in three weeks. If I am not ready, than I am not ready. I am not going to beat myself up for it. In the meantime, I will stay positive and keep plugging away.
Tomorrrow my parents are driving up from Watertown so that I can go swim at the Y. Yippee!
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